Friday, July 28, 2006

thumbs up (07/14/2006)

ho-hum. i feel like something is missing on fridays now. even though i don't watch nearly as many movies as i used to and i've found that our politics don't match, i miss roger ebert's movie reviews. in my opinion, there are few better at doing what they do than roger is at reviewing movies. i was a fan of siskel & ebert going back to the "sneak preview" days. i dug the movie aspect of it, but then started to dig the debate aspect of it. then, right around the time siskel passed (unfortunately), i started reading their reviews online and felt i learned a lot about movies, or at least what to look for.

i've been reading roger's reviews, answer man, etc. every friday since about 1998. it seems like his website, with due respect to jim emerson, has been frozen in time for the last couple weeks. here's one person who hopes it thaws soon.

get well, roger.

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